On the 19th of April, during AD Weeks International Launch event, the DigCompHub project was presented to a wide audience of professionals, working in the educational sector.
The presentation marked the first public exhibition of the project. Focusing on the main pillars that support the project’s activities:
- Develop and nurture a Community of Practice (CoP) around DigComp. Here the project described in detail the current state of the DigComp Community of Practice (CoP).
- Support the adoption and use of DigComp by adult education providers (trainers and teachers).
- Promote the adoption of DigComp across Europe.
The consortium is now busy at work designing trainings on the DigComp framework for adult education providers.
Finally, the presenters promoted the DigCompHub webinar series on “Inspiring Experiences od DigComp usage”.
You can access here the recording of the event and the presentation slides from Bruxelles Formation.
You can register here for the next webinar on “(Digi)taal@work”, on May 4th.